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The gastrointestinal microbiota plays an important role inmammalian health by interacting with host immune, metabolic, and neuropsychiatric functions.
Several studies have demonstrated that space travel affects the astronauts’ immune systems and have shown some evidence suggesting that changes in their microbiomes occur as well. NASA has studied thee ffects of microgravity on mice’s biological processes for many years. Because the human microbiome plays a key role in human health, it is important to assess the effect of long duration space exploration on the microbial population that inhabits the human body.
Researchers have discovered space flight also belongs on that list. Space flight can affect the bacteria in a mouse’s gut microbiome, which may have larger implications for human astronauts. Radiation definitely has an effect on the gut microbiome, but those effects do not look like what we saw in spaceflight.
During a mission to space, astronauts are subject to many stressful conditions(g-forces, radiation, microgravity, anxiety, etc.) that can have a negative impact on their health. Bacteria in the gut microbiomecan be affected by a lot of things, like dietary habits and physical health.
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